All sessions are a blend of different traditions from over twenty years of experience and several countries visited for training. There is no session that is the same, even when you come for treatment week after week with the packages offered. Below is a list of techniques and therapies offered for the Shamanic Bodywork sessions. I specialize in Deep Tissue Energy Healing.
~Lifestyle Program Packages are a series of 8 sessions for $2000 or $300 for individual sessions. These sessions consist of a 90 minute bodywork session, specific for you yoga asanas, custom tea/tincture or salve, and vitamin/mineral assessment. You may bring all your supplements you are presently taking or we can start anew.
~Somatic Therapies connect mind and body through several different modalities designed to release pent up tension in the physical body, creating a calmer mind and soul. Somatic focuses on body movement through yoga, bodywork, breathwork, meditation, talking and dance. We are working to release trauma that is frozen inside the body causing physical ailments.
Have you been in a car accident? Have you suffered severe grief? Are you severely stressed from work? Have you just had a baby? Are you depressed? Do you suffer from digestive issues?....... and the list goes on.
~Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a type of bodywork that works directly with the central nervous system. A gentle hands on therapy, using light touch while being completely clothed unless incorporated into massage session. Helps to alleviate symptoms from spinal cord injuries, anxiety, physical pregnancy issues, migraines, jaw pain and can help restore cranial mobility. It is a soothing treatment helpful with relieving restrictions of the head, neck, sacrum and nerves.
~Visceral Manipulation(Organ Therapy) is a gentle hands on therapy used to enhance mobility and motility in the internal organs. I incorporate this into the abdominal massages and check for fascial restrictions surrounding the organs. This treatment works well musculoskeleton disorders, emotional issues, and digestive issues. Jean-Pierre Barral is a French osteopath that brought this technique to the US in 1985. Viscera are the organs, specifically those in chest and abdomen are the greatest focus for this therapy. Heart, lungs, pancreas, liver, gallbladder, intestines.
~Polarity Therapy is an energy medicine, a full holistic spiritual health care system that works at the level of subatomic physics. It was developed by Osteopath, Dr. Randoplh Stone (1890-1981). It addresses physical emotional pain through four pillars: light physical hand placements, energetics of food/nutrition, exercise, mental attitude/talk therapy. Polarity works direct w/the Chakras and the five elements of creation: Ether, Air, Fire, Water, Earth to create balance.
~Reiki is a Japanese energy medicine that uses universal life energy through different healing symbols and light being directed into the body for healing. It is calming and soothing in its nature. A soft placement of hands applied to the body prone and supine. It encourages emotional and physical healing.
Other services offered: Trigger Point Therapy, Deep Tissue, Myofascial, Acupressure, Table Thai, Yoga, Swedish Massage and assisted stretching.
60 minute sessions start at $125. 75 minute start at $150. 90 minute sessions start at $180.
Outcalls start at $200.